Following Your Dreams


Following your dreams is something that the world tells us we should all just do. Whatever it takes: the challenges, hardships, sacrifices, efforts and pain are all going to be worth it.

Well, maybe that's true and maybe it isn't.

Either way, the earth is made up people willing to give it a try. Who don't give up at the first sign of hardship, or aren't put off by obstacles. And that's kind of encouraging.


I talked with a friend this week who is putting in a superhuman effort at following her dreams. She doesn't know yet whether it is going to turn out the way she hopes. She exchanged security and stability for an existence that is at times tentative and a little bit scary. Doing stuff without a safety net can be that way.

Another friend is following her dreams and so far it has been a hard slog. She is working hard at achieving her goals and has made inroads in to her chosen path that are impressive and substantial. Infact she's probably achieved more already than many who have gone before her with similar dreams. And yet. She doesn't know how far these efforts will take her. There are no guarantees of success.

I so admire these women for their bravery and wit and wisdom and flair and daring.

Where would we be without creative and courageous souls who leave the safe path and branch out in to the unknown?

Wouldn't the world be a sad and boring place if people only ever strived for well, nothing much?!

I saw this cute canvas in Kmart (below) and instantly wanted to buy it to put on the wall in the girls' room. I think the silver dots were what I liked about it most. The fact that it was only $9 may have had something to do with it too.

Then I stopped myself. Was it okay to tell my ten and seven year olds to dream? My cynical adult self was somewhere in my head telling me that the best way to save them from possible future disappointments would be to avoid the dreaming of unobtainable, unrealistic and just plain unreachable goals.


Then I got annoyed at myself. That cynical adult self is not me. I don't want to be that person.

I'm thankful for the inspirational people I know. For the carers, and the encouragers. For the creative hearts who bring a little sparkle in to the every day. For those who work really hard at doing some good.
And maybe others notice them.
And maybe no one does.

Here are the things I wish for those of you who are daring to hope. Who are chasing dreams. And yes, for those who have ever dared to ask themselves, "what if my dreams are crap?" but who can still laugh at themselves, and maintain perspective.
But who also keep on going. Because it is worth it to dream a little, or a lot.

Peonies are in season at the moment. Roses appear to be everywhere. Everyone should have at least one bunch.
Stop. Smell them.

ART: Something beautiful and inspirational to hang on the wall. Settle for a print if an old Master is out of your range..Visit a gallery even. It's a dream centre.

Charles Edward Perugini (1839-1918), "Girl Reading"
And take the opportunity to sit somewhere quiet, to stare out at something beautiful and to enjoy the moment. Hopes and dreams take time. Surely you can spare a moment? :-)

There are a lot of inspiring people out there. And they are not usually the loudest, or the showiest, or even the ones plastered all over the covers of magazines… Just saying!

Tell me, who inspires you these days? Have you found your dreams to be a helpful part of your life? Or something that hinders you from dealing with reality? Do you have a cynical self that tries to tell you cute motivational posters aren't worth $9? Or do you find inspiration even in the little things?


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