Holiday thrifting

New locations mean new op shops and new chances to find and forage in the junk, vintage, retro, antique and recycling domains of another place. Whee! Can you feel my excitement?!!  

On the second day of our coastal holiday the weather wasn't good. Oh no, the kids whined, we can't go to the beach. I tried to look sympathetic. I tried to share their pain. I was secretly doing a little hop, skip and a jump on the inside. 

We headed straight to the local Salvo's Family Store. We met some old holiday friends there. Arch found a huge Tonka fire engine ($2 made it hard to say no) that had him shouting happy Nee Naws all around the shop. I would have worried about how to fit it in the car for the final trip home, but he and the nee naw were instantly inseparable. We'll work something out.

Then I found these in a cabinet.

I felt like Euctace and Polly in the Magician's Nephew! Remember the tray of coloured rings? Which one to choose? At $1 each, I chose them all. Even if they don't transport me to Narnia (and so far, no luck) one can never have enough plastic finery! Two fit me and the other two fit the girls. Perfect. 

Then I spotted this. 

It is a little botanical specimen under a dome of glass. It must be vintage. Does  anyone do this stuff any more? I love it. It was $3 and I'm wearing it all the time. Just have to remember to take it off while washing up. If the glass fogs up I'll have ruined it. 

Later, while trawling through one of the vintage/antique stores, to choruses of: Can we go now?
The sun is coming out! 
It wasn't.
I swooned over the old china.

Can one ever have enough vintage floral tableware? I'd like to scream NO, obviously, but my family appears to be drowning me out on this one. 
Oh well. Back to the beach we go. 

The shell collection is coming along nicely.

There'll be another cloudy day soon, I just know it!

(I meant to say too, I'm posting via my phone. So apologies if the layout is a little wonky.)


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